Hill Mulford Family Reunion 2010

Yea for being together!!!!
Some of us got to go to the Temple.
We rented a big house in Kentucky, a central location for all of us Hills, and had so much fun together. It was on 6 acres, and we had a huge lawn and swimming pool to play in.
We had some good one on one time with Andrew and Peter too.

Nerf guns were a HIT!
Preparing for the water balloon gauntlet!

Aaron and Jenny were AMAZING and brought their 3 day old baby to the reunion. Jenny stayed in the 'guest house', and Courtney made a grand appearance outside for family pictures. She is such an angel.
The cousins!
Playing games was such a blast during the reunion... Thuns and Taxis, Ticket to Ride, Take Two, Guitar Hero, Carcasonne... Etc...

Jeff made some homemade bubble mixture. The kids LOVED it!!!!
Silly Uncle Ryan
Every morning we would get together for a family devotional in the big play room
Each sibling was in charge of planning a childrens activity. Ours was a music activity. The children were absolutely scared out of their pants when we did a live enactment of "Going on a Bear Hunt." It concluded in a dark basement with a real live creature under a blanket. Two children were shedding real tears, and the others were pretty scared. It was just Grandpa, and we felt bad that they really thought there was a bear in KENTUCKY of all places. :)

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