Friday night we went to Rosenblatts stadium to watch the Royals play vs the Round Rock Express. We had tons of fun. A nice man gave us free tickets as we approached the gate, we were allowed to smuggle in our dinner (yummy hogi sandwiches that Abby made...so good), and we got five free loaves of Sara Lee bread--2 whole wheat and 3 honey wheat. The game was followed by some fireworks that looked like they were going to fall on top of us. We had fun, lots of fun. Andrew looked so cute with his baseball shirt and cap. Stay tuned for state fair news...we're going tomorrow, Saturday.p.s. In the picture Andrew is showing his new talent of sucking his bottom lip. He does it all the time. He doesn't take the pacifier, but he sucks himself to sleep. Very cute!
You are the most beautiful trio in the world!
You are soooo cute!!! Thanks for sharing all your fun adventures with us. Keep 'em comin'!! :)
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