Congratulations to Emily who is engaged to be married to wonderful Ben Wright on April 23rd in the Timpanogas Temple.

Andrew got some choo choo trains he was pretty excited about! He sees choo choos where ever he goes. It is cute, but sometimes as parents we feel bad and don't know when we should let him know that certain things aren't really choo choos. SHould we teach him, or let him live in a blissful world of choo choos everywhere?

When we got back home from Utah, we got to spend some time with Abby's brother, Aaron and his family. Spencery and Andrew had a great time playing choo choo's and watching the coo coo clock. Their little Joshua was just 3 months old, and such a doll!

It was great spending time with James' parents! We are excited to see them in a few months after our baby is born. They have loved serving in the MTC, but are happy now to be visiting all 9 of their children.

Andrew loved playing Joseph in the nativity (for the second time)

Christmas was delightful! It was especially fun to spend time with Sarah, Abby's sister, and her family. Andrew loved playing with Nathan and Eva.
What a fun video with Cam pulling Andrew around! You guys are the best! We are praying for you!
Dad and Mom
I say let him live in the blissful world of choo choos. No need to grow up and know the truth about things too fast!!!
We miss you guys tons! But it is fun to see how cute Andrew is!
Wow, is Spencer really twice as big as Andrew? Sure looks like it in that picture. Looks like you had such a fun holiday time; we're glad we got to see you for part of it.
Zach and Andrew have matching shirts! (the green striped one in the choo choo pic) We've got to get together and take our twins picture!
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