Andrew and Uncle Cam two years ago

Andrew and Peter, two days ago

Andrew has a few 'musts' for night time. His 'choo choo' blanket, his 'a-moh' (animal) blanket that his Aunt Amanda made, his choo choo piwo that his Grapa (really Grandma) Boone made him, and his lion that Aunt Sarah gave him. How 'bout that hair?...let's cut it.

Andrew and Peter are becoming friends! Andrew hits Peter rarely now (we went through a little stage...) and just loves him to pieces. Every time Andrew hear's Peter making a sad sound he exclaims, "Oh! A kiss a kiss." He runs over to him and plants a kiss SQUARELY on his forhead.... One time when Andrew did this, Peter gave him a smile! It happened to be his 2nd authentic smile, and Andrew was excited! Peter smiled again. Of course as the mother, I was VERY jealous because I spend hours a day trying to get him to smile. But at the same time, it was so sweet. :) Andrew loves to 'cuddle' with Peter, which is another hard thing
James must have been really tired to fall asleep like that.
I love this post! It brings back so many memories of having little ones. Mine are not so little anymore and it makes me sad. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for "March Gladness". It did bring gladness into my heart! You guys are amazing! Can't wait to see you next week!
Life is wonderful,
I just wrote a comment and couldn't log in for some reason. I lost it....
Let's see...I said I loved these photos. It was fun to see me too. I miss you and love you and wish I could be in Utah next week to see you and oh yes....I said that it's neat to have been with you because I appreciate the photos so much more. I can feel them and you. I had such a wonderful stay. Thanks for treating me so well. Tell Andrew and Peter hello from Aunt Sarah!
wow, i didn't realize how much peter looks like andrew. they are twins!
What cute brothers! Andrew looks like a stud with his hair cut. We're excited to see you soon!
I think Sarah was the sister in my english night class at BYU. I can't believe he fell asleep like that and i REALLY can't believe how much your boys look alike as babies!
You guys need to come home now and never leave again. I miss you guys! (How am I going to last 1/2 a year without you?)
You two will for sure have some twinner pictres! They are identical!
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