Hi There! This is where I live! Well, over the hill, down about 20 miles, off of the Grangeville Salmon Road.

This is my new wrestling gear with my daddy. We have a hard time getting to bed as early as mom would like, because daddy doesn't get back from the PT Clinic until 7. Oh man, it's late.

Since we live on 100 acres, and don't have neighbors, we go on lots of adventures, like the Idaho County Fair!

The Sheep think they're pretty cool. We have sheep by where we live with some SCARY sheep dogs that scare the cougars away. (I'm not allowed to play outside by myself because of the cougars. I guess I should get an "Andrew" dog, instead of a sheep dog.)

Daddy doesn't have to work on Fridays since he works 4 10 hour days, so on the weekends we like to go camping. This is a picture of the Gospel Hump Wilderness Area and the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness Area.
Peter and I got to ride in packs into a sub-alpine like. It was BEE utiful.
I even picked huckleberries! Daddy was on the lookout for bears. A few people thought we were crazy to not take a gun.
This is Moores Lake in the background.
We also found some blackberries. Mommy got carried away.
Here I am on a walk on a beach of the Salmon River.
Since the nearest Wal-mart is 70 miles away, we've started ordering diapers by the 400's online. I like Luvs more than Wal-mart's anyway.
But Peter misses the Wal-mart brand.
While mommy was practicing bluegrass music with some new music friends, I rode on a BIG grain truck with Daddy and watched the wheat being harvested. This is a bankout wagon, but the combines were cool too. My neighbor was driving one of them.
I got my first sleeping bag last week!
I actually slept quite well this night.
This is a picture of mom sitting by the Selway River right before I hit her with an apple from a wild apple tree.
The tall grass in this picture is called Snake Grass. It reminds me of the rattle snake I saw just a few hours before this picture was taken. It rattled for me, and was a little scary, since I was only a few feet away.
are you i Idaho now? We're a bit confused. What are you doing there. 100 acres of land?!
What are you guys doing in Idaho?? You're near my hometown!
Glad to see some pictures of your adventures in Idaho. Keep watching out for those cougars and ratttlesnakes!
To tall you the truth I'm a bit envious of you guys! It sounds like you are living in Nirvana! What a perfectly idyllac place (except perhaps for the cougars ... nothing is perfect:) )
I love the update! I also miss you guys way too much. So glad your family is doing well. Wow Andrew and Peter are sure getting big. Lucy always asks when Andrew is coming home. She tells me she wants him at her birthday party. Can't wait to see you guys in January.
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