Andrew and Peter have lots of fun playing in the "box," or "kitchen," as Andrew calls it. He cooks mommy many a fancy food.

The next four pictures are at the Grangeville Farmers Market on a beautiful Saturday morning. Abby and her fiddling group played for an hour or so. James and the boys spent the hour doing a photo shoot of sorts. Shot #1: all together.

#2: Andrew pulling Peter...Peter fell asleep.

#3: Peter...asleep.

#4: Peter waking up... Andrew lookin' for some love.

Abby and I (James) played in a softball tourney on one Saturday with a team made up of hospital employees and spouses. We had a super good time. Abby's batting average would be all star in the MLB. We won third place. (yes, there were more than three teams...)

Am I (James) doing this enough? Like my pretty aprin with "sister-friends..." on it?

This is our wood stove, our only source of heating our place. Here, Andrew puts his (my) gloves on and starts building. He loves "building fires."
"Five Little Monkey's Jumpin' on the Bed- Andrew Style"
Sock Taste Testing
Your boys are so adorable!!!
Beautiful Booners! Glad you had a fun family time at the hot springs. Happy birthday, Abby!
Great videos! And I like Peter's taste in clothes, er, socks :)
We love all of your fun videos. Your boys are the cutest ever and we hope to see them in just a few months. They are so hilarious. Love the sock tasting.
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