Andrew was a smoke jumper for Halloween. We rented a truck to go trick-o-treating in style! No, not really. :)

The black is genuine ash from our wood stove. (Nice touch, James)

Part of a smoke jumper's duty is to rid the surrounding area of dangerous varmints.

James took care of the boys ALL day while I played in a community volleyball tournament. For some reason, a day playing volleyball somehow works wonders on my mothering abilities...

They're always cutest right before they go to bed...

Peter and Andrew have worn the same size of diapers as of a few months ago...

We were blessed to go to the Boise Temple in November. It's been tough not living close to a Temple, but sure makes going to the Temple that much more special! We got to stay with Becky Flake Swanger, one of Abby's dear, sweet cousins! Peter dirtied all of is PJ's the first night, so had to borrow some of Emily's...
Now if we have a girl, we know what she'll look like. Pretty cute :)

The Swanger girls!

This is where we live! (The house on the right.) The buildings on the left are just old sheds. Our nearest neighbor is 3/4ths a mile away. We LOVE to sled.

We go outside right before naptime everyday and run up and down the hill to tucker Andrew out.

This day it worked especially well. :) He fell asleep on my shoulder as I was reading him and Peter a book.

This is our snowman family.

Thanksgiving dinner. Yum! We spent the holiday playing football in the morning (James organized it) and the feast and much of the afternoon with the Fosters, the wonderful family we live next to (the house you see in the pictures). We're in a mother-in-law apt. on the side of their house.
All of it looks beautiful! How nice to have that much land without being surrounded by all that noise. I didn't know you had bought a house! I guess it's been awhile.:)
That is such a wonderful setting. So fun to be there for some of the Christmas season. Looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks -- your boys are growing up so much!
Hey there! How's life??? Beautiful home, country, food, and kids!!! And YAYAYAY for volleyball! I totally hear you on how it makes you a better mom! :) I loved his fireman costume. Where did Andrew get so many trains? Lucky boy!
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