Peter's first birthday was a blast! It was a little tough for Andrew to understand, but he was pretty good. Peter DUG into his birthday cake with no hesitancy. We all laughed, especially Andrew.

Andrew was a big help opening presents.

Peter, you are a joy to our family! You are laid back, calm, peaceful, happy, smiley, and forgiving. You are a good sleeper and enjoy sharing a room with Andrew. You love to throw your food, bite objects, and put EVERYTHING in your mouth, including lady bugs. We are so glad you are part of our family!
What a sweetie! I am excited to meet your boys! Hope to see you this summer!
This brings back such good memories. How will I go on without you guys!!! Your kids are so cute.
Aw! SO cute! I think Peter looks more like you Abby. So, where did the job search bring you? I hope somewhere that we will be able to see you sooner than later! Miss you!
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